Anne Bode – Head of Health Management at CSS

Anne Bode

Psychologist and Health Coach

Anne Bode earned a Master of Science in Psychology and went on to gain qualifications in prevention and health promotion. She worked as a coach for several years, focusing on the mental health of people trying to find their way back into the labour market. She provided job seekers with support on behalf of social services, regional placement offices and the Federal disability insurance before focusing more on prevention. She joined CSS in 2017 as a workplace health management specialist for the Corporate Clients business and has been deeply involved in setting up and developing the Health Management section since 2021. It brings CSS's health-related offers together under one roof and serves as the point of contact for CSS clients with health concerns. CSS's health coaches aim to reliably partner CSS clients in all their health matters.

Articles by Anne Bode

Schlafprobleme: Wie Blaulicht den Schlaf beeinflusst

Avoid blue light

Mobile devices next to the bed make it harder to fall asleep and disturb sleep quality.

Helpful tips
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