Up to CHF 1,200 for your health. Calculate premium 2025
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Choose your basic insurance

Go directly to your family doctor

Family doctor model

  • The family doctor you know and trust is your main point of contact.
  • Go directly to an eye doctor, a gynaecologist, a dentist or a midwife.
  • At least 10% premium discount.
Discover the advantages Calculate your premium

All the benefits of a doctors’ network

HMO model

  • The chosen doctor’s practice from the medical network or the group practice is your first point of contact.
  • You can see an eye doctor, gynaecologist or midwife directly.
  • At least 13% premium discount.
Discover the advantages Calculate your premium

Ideal for high medical bills


  • The Multimed practice, telemedicine centre or Well app is your first point of contact.
  • You can see an eye doctor, gynaecologist or midwife directly.
  • Premium discount of at least 15% and CHF 300 less as a retention fee.
Discover the advantages Calculate your premium

Advice digitally or by phone


  • Your first point of contact is the Well app or the telemedicine centre.
  • You can see an eye doctor, gynaecologist or midwife directly.
  • At least 10% premium discount.
Discover the advantages Calculate your premium

Free choice of doctor

Standard model

  • Free choice of doctor throughout Switzerland.
  • Make an appointment directly to see a specialist.
Discover the advantages Calculate your premium

CSS. Your health insurance. Your health partner.

Staying healthy, becoming healthy or living with an illness. As a highly efficient and competent insurer, we are here for you. And will be by your side, whatever your situation in life.

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The advantages for you

Good reasons to choose CSS

myCSS client portal

Doing everything digitally means you’ll never lose track.
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Up to CHF 1,200 for you

We promote your health with up to CHF 1,200 per year.
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24h medical care

Free advice day and night – anywhere in the world.
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More than 1.75 million people trust CSS.
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2,800 employees are here for you and happy to help.
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