Carmen Schenk – CSS editor

Carmen Schenk


Carmen Schenk is a commercial employee with Federal VET Diploma with a strong insurance background. She studied part-time at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. During this time, she gained an understanding of business administration and developed her skills in communications and marketing. Her studies have equipped her with a solid general education, enabling her to develop a swift understanding of issues of all kinds. Since August 2023, she has been working at CSS in Corporate Communications where she is broadening her editorial expertise.

Articles by Carmen Schenk

The young woman sits hunched over on the bed, holding her stomach in pain.

Stressed gut

Why stress has a negative impact on gut health and what helps.

Go to tips
Laid out on the tables are several packaged ready-made meals for lunch.

Convenience foods

Ready in a flash and always available: How healthy or unhealthy are convenience foods?

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