Rahel Lüönd – CSS editor

Rahel Lüönd


After gaining a Bachelor’s degree in Communication at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW in Winterthur and working for several years as an editor at a Lucerne newspaper, Rahel Lüönd decided to go freelance (luondtexte.ch). Since then, she has been writing about a wide range of topics for various companies and organisations. As an author, she is particularly interested in how our body works, how we deal with health problems and what preventive measures we can take to ensure our well-being. These are the kinds of questions she explores for the CSS health blog.

When conducting her research, Rahel Lüönd draws on specialist articles, other blog posts and interviews. Discussions with experts in particular offer an almost inexhaustible wealth of information, which she then translates into articles that can be easily understood by a general audience. The author finds that working closely with experts creates considerable added value for her readers. It ensures that the information she conveys is well founded.

In addition to the blog, Rahel Lüönd also writes for the “CSS and you?” customer magazine – preferably portraits and interviews with experts.

Articles by Rahel Lüönd

Two women are sitting in a meeting room. The cancer patient receives emotional support.


A cancer diagnosis can impact your mental state. How are patients given emotional support?

An expert explains

Pseudocereal checklist

What are these grain alternatives, and how healthy are they really?

To the overview
A woman stands in front of a mirror with a glass of water in her hand and takes her food supplements.

Healthy gut, healthy body

These home remedies and food supplements help with stomach problems.

Support gut health
Nabelschnurblut einlagern: Alles Wichtige im Überblick

Umbilical cord blood

It contains valuable stem cells and helps with serious diseases such as leukaemia.

Important facts
Venturing: CSS beteiligt sich an Flow Neuroscience

tDCS for depression

Doctors use the gentle electro-stimulation method to treat depression.

Learn how

Underactive thyroid

Without enough thyroid hormones, the body cannot function properly.

Symptoms & therapy

What do placebos achieve?

Placebos ease symptoms by activating the body's own mechanisms.

To the report

Train the bladder

Incontinence after childbirth is common. Training can make a big difference.

More info
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