Family insurance: how to insure your loved ones


When you start a family, you're no longer responsible for just you alone. Having a baby raises new questions: How can I protect my family without overstretching the household budget?

Insure your baby early

Basic insurance is mandatory and covers all the statutory benefits in the event of illness, accident and maternity. It’s important that parents-to-be enrol their baby for health insurance before the little one arrives. Prenatal admission has significant advantages:

  1. The child enjoys general health insurance cover from the moment it’s born. Even if it arrives prematurely or has a congenital condition.
  2. The child will be admitted to the provider’s supplementary insurance without any health reservations attached. Congenital defects especially can prove costly, and these costs aren't all covered by Federal disability insurance.

Take out dental insurance before age 3

It makes sense to take out supplementary dental insurance for your baby as soon as it gets its first milk teeth. Dental insurance provides contributions to the costs – from the very first check-up, to braces, right through to the treatment of wisdom teeth.

Did you know? Children under 3 don’t need a medical certificate to take out dental insurance.

Greater security if your salary stops

If someone is left disabled or dies following an illness or accident, this can lead to major financial problems. Because fixed living expenses, such as rent, lease payments or the cost of the children's education, continue to mount up. Give yourself peace of mind with death or disability insurance.

Protect others and property

Oops! Your kids’ football has gone straight through your neighbour’s window. Personal liability insurance takes the sting out of the financial damage. It also covers everyone else living in your household.

And third-party damage is included too. If, for example, your neighbour is accidentally injured by something your child does and has to be taken to hospital, you'll be required to foot the bill for the hospital costs, necessary aids or rehabilitation measures.

Damage by pets

Do you have pets? Here too, having liability insurance pays off: if the family dog bites someone and causes long-lasting injury, the costs can be very high indeed.

Protect possessions and furniture

Things often get broken and need to be replaced, especially when there are small children around. Household contents insurance protects your furniture and personal possessions against glass breakage, theft, fire and more.

Insured on the go

Your bike has been stolen or your luggage lost? Additional “Simple theft away from home” cover ensures that things you take with you when outside the home are also replaced.

Check the sum insured

You should regularly check the sum insured and adjust it whenever you make major purchases like bikes or mobile phones. If the sum insured is too high, you’ll end up paying more in premiums than necessary, but if it’s too low, you’ll have to cover the costs of the claim yourself.

Check insurance regularly

  • Review your insurance portfolio from time to time and take a critical look at which policies you still need and which you don’t.
  • You should take out special add-ons for valuables if you actually own jewellery or expensive watches worth more than CHF 20,000.
  • You’ll need travel insurance if you make frequent trips abroad. Instead of permanent travel insurance, it might be worth taking out a shorter-term option to cover specific travel plans.
  • Families with pets often decide to take out animal insurance. However, this mostly only covers the costs of treating them if they fall ill or have an accident – regular check-ups and treatment such as vaccinations or sterilisation aren't included.
  • When it comes to insuring the family car, partial accidental damage cover is usually sufficient. You generally won’t need fully comprehensive insurance unless you drive a luxury car.
  • In Switzerland, families can save money by taking out all their policies with a single insurer – and combining them. It’s a common way to enjoy higher discounts.

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