Sport and exercise tips

It’s easy to make sport and exercise an integral part of your everyday routine and lead a healthier life in the long term. These tips will help you get started.

Dehnen: Wie geht’s richtig und welche Alternativen gibt es?


Fit, healthy and in top form with regular flexibility training.

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Prevent falls

Eliminate tripping hazards. We have everyday tips and easy exercises for you.

Here's how

How many steps a day?

Simple tips for sustainably integrating more movement into our daily routine.

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Into the water

Strengthen your immune system. Learn everything you need to know about.

Good to know
Sport im Sommer: Ist Sport bei Hitze gesund?

Sport in summer

There's no reason not to train outdoors as long as you follow a few rules.

Here’s how
Freeride Tipps: Sicherheit beim Tiefschneefahren

Safe freeriding

Fresh powder, untouched slopes: follow our tips to stay safe in deep snow

What’s important

Smartwatch test report

Yaël S. tracks her sport and sleep activities with a smartwatch and discovers a number of features.

Only a gimmick?
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Exercise coaching

Move more each day. How to stay motivated.

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Free movement exercises

Discover active365

Whether for stretching, stamina, muscle-building or generally being more active: free exercises with the active365 app.