Joint pain after in­ac­tivi­ty: 3 exercises to prevent rusty joints


People who can hardly move after longer breaks of physical activity are the ones who should do so even more. The best way to counter this pain is to get the joints moving anyway. A few aids and special exercises can help.

Joint pain after inactivity

When joints don’t function as they should after long not being used, it can be painful to move. Neither avoiding nor enduring this pain is recommended. The better option is to use aids for acute discomfort and strive for a lifestyle that prevents joint pain – known as arthralgia – in the long term.

Moving in the morning

Instead of individual joints hurting, many people also suffer from a general morning stiffness: in this case, it's best to just gently mobilise the muscles and joints after getting up.

Which joints are affected?

Joint pain after inactivity is particularly common in the foot. Depending on the joint, it could also be the ankle, heel, Achilles tendon, or metatarsal that hurts. But many people also experience pain in the hip or knee.

3 exercises for joint pain after inactivity

In general, you should move as much as possible.

Exercises for joint pain after inactivity

Simple stretching and gymnastic exercises will make it easier for your joints to get moving after a longer break. Physiotherapist Ursi Hellwig demonstrates 3 helpful exercises. (in german)

Everyday aids

Simple aids can make everyday life for sufferers easier. Attach a pole next to the bed or in the bathroom that you can pull yourself up on. Or take walking sticks with you for a walk. Heat also helps with the pain. For acute inflammation, however, cold is the best cure.

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